How Cardiovascular System Helps in Wound Healing

Key Highlights

  • Together, WBCs and platelets are physiologically stimulated to promote wound healing.
  • This coordinated activation promotes crosstalk, allowing for the control and modulation of one another’s actions.
  • As a result, the body’s response to injury-related tissue repair is balanced and biologically optimal.
  • WBCs’ main function is to clean the wound and avoid infection.
How Cardiovascular System Helps in Wound Healing

When everything goes as planned, the damaged tissue is repaired to a normal and functioning condition as a result of the complex, fine-tuned, yet delicate balance of combining multiple molecular and cellular events that make up the physiology of tissue repair. One fundamental idea in the process of the healing process is that the bloodstream that enters the wound and also the wound itself carry all the necessary information to trigger the recovery of an injured location.
Red blood cells (RBCs), White blood cells (WBCs), and platelets are the three primary cell types that make up human blood, together with plasma. These cells interact dynamically, which is essential for preserving normal health since it provides the physiological mechanisms needed to sustain life and encourage healing. Megakaryocytes, which are very big precursor cells and are found in the bone marrow, are the source of non-nucleated platelets. Large quantities of storage granules containing various growth factors, cytokines, as well as hormones necessary for wound healing are acquired by platelets during their development (Peng, 2019). In the course of normal wound healing, platelets and leukocytes coordinate and work together to control acute inflammation and promote tissue repair.
Together, WBCs and platelets are physiologically stimulated to promote wound healing. This coordinated activation promotes crosstalk, allowing for the control and modulation of one another’s actions. As a result, the body’s response to injury-related tissue repair is balanced and biologically optimal. WBCs’ main function is to clean the wound and avoid infection. WBCs also remove any damaged tissue from the wound. RBCs’ main functions are to transport waste carbon dioxide away from tissues to prevent acidification and deliver oxygen to tissues to sustain metabolism. RBCs function in an acceleration loop to boost the activation as well as the release of bioactive components from platelets during wound healing. Multiple cell types can be differentiated from multipotent-mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) (Peng, 2019). MSCs additionally produce substances that regulate inflammation and tissue repair.
Any kind of physical harm, like the unintentional foot injury in this example, results in an instant neuroendocrine reaction. A group of glands that create chemical compounds known as hormones make up the endocrine system. Hormones are chemical agents that, like neurotransmitters, must adhere to receptors to relay their message. Hormones, on the other hand, are discharged into the blood and travel all across the body, impacting any cells that carry receptors for them. This differs from neurotransmitters, which get released nearby to cells having their receptors (Spielman, 2021). As a result, hormone impacts are extensive, in contrast to the confined actions of neurotransmitters. Additionally, hormones typically have a longer half-life and take longer to take effect.
Increased pituitary secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), growth hormone, prolactin, and vasopressin, as well as a generalized activation of the ‘sympathetic nervous system’ with increases in adrenaline as well as noradrenaline concentrations, are the results of neural input originating from the cortex, damaged tissues, and receptors sensing fluid loss. Cortisol and aldosterone are stimulated, but insulin along with somatomedin secretion is inhibited as secondary alterations (Visha and Karunagaran, 2019). Additionally, either instantly or after a delay, the plasma renin activity and glucagon levels may both increase. The length of these reactions often varies greatly amongst hormones and relies on how severe the injury is. 
The term “nociception,” which is used interchangeably with “nociperception,” refers to the sensory nerve system’s reaction to harmful or possibly dangerous stimuli. Nociceptors are the sensory endings which are triggered by such stimuli and are primarily in charge of producing the initial stage of painful feelings. The Aδ- and C-fibers are essentially two different types of main afferent nociceptors that react to noxious stimuli that are present in our body (Spielman, 2021). Both of these nociceptors contain free nerve terminals with particular functions that are dispersed throughout the skin, joint capsule, muscle, bone, and several significant interior organs. They serve the practical purpose of detecting potentially harmful chemical, mechanical as well as thermal stimuli that could endanger us.
In our body, neurons are linked to one another to create intricate brain networks, or synapses, via which electrical and chemical signals are transmitted. Fundamentally, the balance of excitatory and inhibitory effects acting on the neural circuits of our somatosensory system is what determines how pain is transmitted. Primary afferent nociceptors in the ascending system are in charge of sending the noxious information gathered to the neurones in the dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord. The strength and position of the noxious stimuli are then communicated by a subset of all these projection neurons as they convey sensory information towards the thalamus and via the spinothalamic tract to the somatosensory cortex (Visha and Karunagaran, 2019). While the ventral spinothalamic fasciculus (anterior spinothalamic tract) sends information about rough touch or firm pressure sensations to the thalamus in the brain, the spinothalamic tract, which is located within the white matter of the spinal cord, focuses on transmitting pain and temperature sensations.
When normal, healthy tissue is injured, the process of wound healing starts. Different methods, such as a cut, rupture, blunt trauma, and even prolonged use or overloading, can cause tissue to become harmed. When vascular tissue is injured, blood may seep into the tissue from broken vessels. This bleeding sets off the chain of events that leads to healing. Under normal conditions, the healing cascade consists of four interdependent phases that are carefully planned and rigorously regulated. Depending on the size and extent of the damage, the four stages of the tissue repair cascade can take weeks or months to complete. These phases consist of:
Formation of clots – hemostasis.
Platelet activation as well as immune mobilization in – acute inflammation.
Cell division and matrix deposition – proliferation.
Scar formation as well as tissue restoration – remodelling (Visha and Karunagaran, 2019).
Chemical messengers like epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) are both neurotransmitters and hormones. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and other hormones produced by the endocrine system circulate in the bloodstream as hormones. They instruct tissues and organs to function in various ways. The role of neurotransmitters is comparable. They only exist in neuron cells, though, and move between synapses, which are the points where multiple nerve fibres converge. Neurotransmitters are created by nerve cells when they respond to electrical impulses. The inner part of the adrenal gland is called the adrenal medulla. In reaction to stress and other bodily imbalances like low blood pressure, it controls and produces both epinephrine and norepinephrine (Spielman, 2021).
Since numerous cell types, the extracellular matrix, and the function of soluble mediators like cytokines and growth factors all play a role in wound healing, effective wound care is crucial. Wound healing is still a difficult clinical problem. Correct clinical care may help the wound heal more quickly and prevent complications.

Peng, G. L. (2019). Platelet-rich plasma for skin rejuvenation: facts, fiction, and pearls for practice. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 27(3), 405-411.
Spielman, R. M., Dumper, K., Jenkins, W., Lacombe, A., Lovett, M., & Perlmutter, M. (2021). The Endocrine System. Psychology-H5P Edition.
Visha, M. G., & Karunagaran, M. (2019). A review on wound healing. International Journal of Clinicopathological Correlation, 3(2), 50-59.